Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Ten-- YAWN

Weekday Halloweens always leave me feeling like I've left part of my brain back in the bed, curled up with the pillow.  A little sluggish, a little "I-don't-wanna", a little out of sorts.  That being said, we had a lot of fun last night.  A mostly even mix of "love this" and "pet peeve button pushed".

I'll start with the pet peeves and end on a high note.  :)

1.  If the light is turned off, don't let your kids go up to the door.  Teach your kids that the light being off means they aren't ready for trick-or-treaters or they don't have candy.

2.  Alternatively, if you aren't going to be home or don't want to hand out candy, TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.  One family at least put a note on the door saying they'd be back after trick-or-treating...but that doesn't seem particularly safe to me.

3.  Especially considering that I saw one teenager turn the doorknob at a house when no one answered the door.  Yikes!  (It was obviously NOT his house.)

4.  Please don't let your kids run across everyone's yards.  I know there are some here who haven't mowed in a long time and some others who have never cared-- but it's not up to you to decide if the lawn is nice enough for your 6 kids to trek through.

High note:

5.  Halloween costumes have a way of bringing out whimsy in people where you'd never have suspected it.  I saw a Tinkerbell in Walmart who, I'm pretty sure, is probably a non-nonsense front-desk receptionist type the rest of the year.  Her bright green shoes and sparkly wings were delightful.

6.  It was absolutely gorgeous weather.  Lots of families sat outside with their candy bowls.

7.  Little G looked beautiful last night.  She didn't want to smile for the camera but I got some pretty funny expressions on her face.  I also caught one photo of her as the sun blazed onto her hair, and the very grown-up way she held herself.

8.  Little G also got good candy.  :)  And not one single orange- or black-wrapped peanut butter taffy thing.   Yes, I know some people like those.

9.  Big G and I had a pretty nice text conversation last night, too.

10.  And the Chiefs, My G's team, won their game in Overtime.  :)

1 comment:

  1. People really like those peanut butter taffy things? LOL M and D actually got the theater boxes of candy from one house and those 1/2 long pieces of taffy that Cracker Barrel has. Cool! Apparently since I opened the back window in my CR-V, that meant I was home. Huh? Lights off, garage closed. I was across the street with friends handing out candy so I just watched as person after person went to my door. lol Oh well, it was nice out! : ) LA
