Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Ten: Why I Am So Tired

I had last week all planned.  Lots of writing, then pack my stuff and head off to bring Big G back for summer classes.  It was going to be a whirlwind trip, but fun, too, and not a big deal.


At the other side of it, I am wiped out.  Big G slept reallllly late today (but in her own room...so nice) and I crashed for a nap this morning after Little G went to school.

So why am I so tired?

1.  I managed to smash my right big toe not once, but twice last week.  Limping makes everything harder.

2. At the last minute, Little G and I realized that she had an after-school presentation thingy Thursday.

3.  On Friday, Little G had to be at school an hour early to head off on an all-day field trip.  Then it was time to fly...that was the smoothest part of the whole trip, I must say.  Yay, American Airlines!

4.  Friday afternoon, I helped Big G sort out the rest of her packing.

5.  Friday night, I got to watch a (schmaltzy) movie with my Mom.  That was a neat treat, and well worth the fatigue from staying up too late.

6.  Saturday, I woke up at 6.  Really?!  Nothing woke me up...just BLINK and I was awake.

7.  More packing....But we got almost everything in and only had to ship one big item.

8.  Dinner with My G's parents and his Grandma and cousin...I am so incredibly blessed to have married into this family!

9.  Another movie...this one was MUCH better.  We laughed and talked a lot.

10.  The drive here took at least 2 1/2 hours longer than it should have.  I'm still not sure what happened.   We didn't take lunch, other than eating in the car, and dinner took half an hour.  We did stretch our legs to gas up but it still shouldn't have taken us that long...It was earrrrllllyyy the next morning when we got in.

Bonus:  Adjusting to having two kids again instead of one, adjusting to having an adult child in the house, adjusting to schedules and end of school for Little G, still in deployment/independent mode, healing toes, confused cats, weird weather and trying to do a job hunt...  Nah, those wouldn't be part of it now, would they?

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