Such is our life.
Lately, though, change has been heaped upon us; our cup overflows with adjustments. A child heads to college, my husband heads out for a temporary duty for two months-- Little G and I adjust to rattling around and occasionally bouncing off each other in a house built for four. Husband comes back, time for a Christmas visit with a now-adult. Husband deploys. Child moves back home for the summer and so she can change school.
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Thanks to Kelly for the phrase "Rubber Room Resort". Photo from Cassy at Deviant Art. |
Now it's time for the husband to come back home. It will be four of us again. Except, not quite. Just as we get used to THAT, and have figured out the two-spouse, two-parent, one-kid and one-adult-child thing-- he will be off to school for several weeks.
Hence, the Rubber Room Resort. I am in serious need of a break from this. I'm not just riding a roller coaster, I'm changing cars in the middle of it and sometimes it seems I've even changed rides.
I'm not alone.
I have a sweet friend who recently said she was getting irritated with herself because she was an emotional mess. She's getting very close to being able to hold her husband again, as he finishes Basic Training. She is so new to this life, they both are, and I keep wanting to tell her-- go easy on yourself, hon. She will face moving, job changes, life changes-- it's okay to let it out.
There is so much emotion, even for good things, when life changes. She's dedicated to her husband, to this new life of theirs, and she can't wait to be with him again. But it is still going to be a huge adjustment, and she knows this. It builds up over time and somehow it has to be released. A good cry hurts no one. The need to be alone, done responsibly, hurts no one.
I read a pretty funny blogger, who recently wrote that she needs a vacation. From her life. She wrote that there have been some pretty big changes recently (doing a lot more writing, things got super-busy with work, she works from home and her kids are getting older but not quite independent)-- some simple time ALONE sounds pretty heavenly, yet not quite within her reach. I was nodding my head, agreeing with her that I'd be going nuts in that situation, too-- until she said she was feeling guilty.
I think feeling guilty about needing a break, or about feeling an overflow of emotion, or for being human and asking for help-- I think it's a waste of time. I can't and won't beat myself up for a dedicated five minutes to myself. Or insisting on privacy. If, in the course of the day, I hurt someone's feelings by being too abrupt or if something important gets forgotten-- I will apologize. And I will try to do better.
There is just too precious little time to spend feeling guilty or kicking myself. I have a house to clean and a homecoming outfit to buy. And no time to spend at the Rubber Room Resort.
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